IVD of Allergies



Allergy is tissue damage or physiological dysfunction caused by the immune system being stimulated by one or more substances (allergens). Common allergic reactions include allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, and certain dermatitis. There are many types of allergen proteins, which are important substances involved in allergic reactions, including but not limited to pollen, indoor dust, milk, eggs, etc. When the body is exposed to these allergen proteins again, the immune system may overreact, causing allergic symptoms to worsen or recur.

IVD of Allergies

Recombinant Allergen Proteins

Recombinant allergen proteins play an important role in studying the mechanisms of allergic reactions and developing allergy treatments. Through recombinant technology, scientists can accurately determine the structure and function of allergen proteins to better understand the body's immune response mechanism to different allergens. In addition, recombinant allergen proteins can also be used to prepare specific immunoglobulins for the treatment and prevention of allergic reactions.

Features of Our Recombinant Allergen Proteins

IVD of Allergies

Methods for Allergen Detection in Vitro

It mainly detects total IgE (tIgE) and specific IgE (sIgE) to allergens. The patient's serum is combined with the allergen protein to form an antigen-antibody complex. IgE antibodies are detected through specific antibodies to determine whether the patient has an allergic reaction to the allergen protein.

The most common method is BAT, which can identify food allergens and allergic cross-sensitization, as well as monitor the effectiveness of anti-IgE therapy.

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Related Products & Services

Creative BioMart focuses on the development and innovation of IVD proteins, providing biological companies and scientific research institutes with a complete range of high-quality recombinant allergen proteins. Our products can be used as tools for a wide range of allergy research and diagnosis, as well as allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic diseases. If you are interested in our products or services, you can contact us for more details.


  1. Scheurer S, Toda M, Vieths S. (2015). What makes an allergen?[J]. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 45(7): 1150-1161.
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