Baculovirus-Insect Cell Protein Expression Service


The insect baculovirus expression system is a eukaryotic expression system and is widely used in biology, medicine, and other industries due to its advantages of stability, safety, high level of post-translational modification, and high protein activity. In addition, the system can also generate viral particles composed of multiple components as vaccine candidates, demonstrating its power in drug discovery. In the field of in vitro diagnostics (IVD), baculovirus-insect cell protein expression service can produce recombinant antigens, antibodies, enzymes, and other proteins used to develop immunoassay reagents, diagnostic kits, and biosensors.

An overview of the general process for SAR-CoV-2 protein production in BEV.Figure 1. An overview of the general process for SAR-CoV-2 protein production in BEV. (Azali M A, et al., 2022)

Advantages of Our Baculovirus-Insect Cell Protein Expression System

Creative BioMart assists in IVD research and development and provides baculovirus-insect cell protein expression service to produce large quantities of high-purity target proteins to meet customer needs.

Baculovirus-Insect Cell Expression Service Items

Creative BioMart provides customers with services ranging from codon optimization, plasmid synthesis, small-scale amplification, protein purification, as well as property analysis to meet different needs.

Service Item Service Process Time (days) Deliverables
Expression Vector Construction Codon optimization and gene synthesis 15-20
  • Recombinant vector
  • Vector build report
PCR amplification connection
Transform into E. coli strains
Obtain the correct recombinant plasmid
Virus Packaging and Amplification Transformation of competent cells 12-15 Sequencing report
PCR analysis
Isolation of recombinant bacmid DNA
Transfection of recombinant Bacmid DNA into insect cells
Detection of expression levels by SDS-PAGE
Large-scale Expression and Purification Infect cells with the appropriate baculovirus 5-10
  • Purified protein
  • Related report
Protein purification (chromatography)
Additional Services Label removal services 2-5 Optimized high-purity protein
Sterilization by filtration
Endotoxin removal
QC Purity and concentration test 3-5 QC report
Provide QC report

Reasons to Choose Us

Creative BioMart focuses on IVD proteins, we can provide services such as small-scale and large-scale protein production for IVD and the development of recombinant proteins, antibodies, and bioanalytical tests, aiming to provide global pharmaceutical companies and life science research institutions with high-quality IVD protein service. If you are interested in our services, please contact us and we will provide you with detailed assistance.


  1. Azali M A, Mohamed S, Harun A, et al. (2022). Application of Baculovirus Expression Vector system (BEV) for COVID-19 diagnostics and therapeutics: a review[J]. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. 20(1): 98.
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