
    Featured Product

    All kinds of quality Diagnostic proteins provided by Creative BioMart to accelerate your scientific research or as industrial raw materials.

    • Allergic Protein

      Allergic Protein

      Allergic diseases are common, and their prevalence is increasing. Accurate diagnosis of triggering or causative allergens is essential for appropriate advice for avoidance and environmental control measures.

    • Vaccinia Virus Protein

      Vaccinia Virus Protein

      Poxviruses are among the largest and most complex of animal viruses. They have double-stranded linear DNA genomes, and replicate within the cytoplasm of the infected cell. Vaccinia virus is the prototypical member of the orthopoxvirus genus and of the Poxviridae as a whole.

    • Drugs of Abuse

      Drugs of Abuse

      Drugs of abuse testing is conducted both for medical purposes and legal causes such as workplace drug testing. Testing may be performed for detection of illicit drug use and/or to monitor medication compliance.


    Creative BioMart Diagnostic Protein

    Creative BioMart Diagnostic Protein is focused on IVD proteins. We can provide large- and small-scale production of proteins for use in in-vitro diagnostic tests. With a collaborative approach, our highly experienced scientific and project management staff is focused on delivering each project to the highest standards.

    • More than 5,000 proteins in stock
    • Large-scale manufacturing
    • GMP production
    • Pharmacological activity
    • Low adverse effects
    • A diversity of functional groups
    • Custom one-stop solution

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    Diagnostic products are those reagents, instruments, and systems intended for use in diagnosis of disease or other conditions, including a determination of the state of health, in order to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease or its sequelae. Here we will introduce all kinds of related products, disease information and diagnostic methods in detail.

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